Business solutions for you portfolio


Company: UBS Warburg, Opfikon

Technology: MS Access, VBA, SQL, MS Excel.

Link: Not available

People in the project: Stefan Tröhler

Implementation period: Feb 2000 – Oct 2001

Cost: no details

Calculation of the Daily Profit & Lost of UBS Warburg in Opfikon. Financial data is imported, refined and corresponding calculations are performed. The output is done using Microsoft Excel and the application is developed using Microsoft Access, VBA and SQL.

  • Create an application that generates the daily profit and loss statement of UBS AG Investmentbank Warburg in Opfikon.
  • In this case, a very simple calculation is chosen.
  • All income is compared to the expenses.
  • The profit and loss account prepared in this way shows the current daily balance of the investment bank and is required by law.
  • In the past, banks had to deposit the equivalent value in the form of securities in the event of a "lost" status.
  • Nowadays, P&L accounting is done in electronic form.
  • Data is obtained from mainframe systems, refined and presented in groups.
  • Testing and documentation (user and technology).
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